Take Advantage Of The Options Available To You When Going On A Cougar Date
When you first think about going on a cougar date, you just get swept up in how hot it will be to be with an older woman. You may not even think about all the awesome benefits you get from it. Among the benefits you get to enjoy is that you have more options when you’re going on a date. Not only are cougars more adventurous than younger women, but many have additional income they can utilize. Some even like playing the role of a sugar momma. When you’re ready to go on a cougar date, you’ll find that you have plenty of options available to you as well as with the women you’re going to meet. By getting to know these options, you’re going to have a much easier time when it comes to hooking up a date with these hot women, so you can have some fun and get the most out of your experience. So, get ready to have some fun with a sexy older woman when you get out on a cougar date.

Know You Can Enjoy A Drink With Your Date
One of the worst feelings is when you’re trying to go out on a date with a woman and you’re not even sure if she is old enough to drink. This is not a problem when you go on a cougar date. All these women are over 21 and would probably like to have at least one drink to ease the tension of meeting up with you. Meeting in a bar is one of the most common places for these dates to get started. They will likely have at least one drink and will enjoy it if you’re having a drink as well. If you have a favorite bar to go to, they will appreciate trying out your space and maybe even having a drink with your friends. Don’t worry about trying to buy her drink as she will likely have her own money and will try to buy your drink. Make sure, just in case, that you have money to buy you, and her, a drink. As you will see in the
other articles, cougars are still women and they like for you to at least act like you’re going to treat them like a lady.
Make sure that when you order a drink for yourself, you do not order a drink for her. Instead, you should simply offer for her to get a drink and let her order her own drink. She knows what she likes to drink and you are not going to win any points by trying to guess at what she might enjoy drinking. You still don’t know her and to make any kind of assumptions about what she likes to drink will be rude and offensive. The worst mistake you can make is to assume she will want some ultra-feminine drink only to discover that she prefers to drink bourbon on the rocks. Don’t insult her on your cougar date, and don’t make yourself look like a jerk. You will get so much more out of the deal this way.
The drink you order for yourself on your cougar date, should similarly not signal that you’re immature. While cougars enjoy the company of younger men, they don’t want a child. They want a man who knows what he wants and is not afraid to ask for it. Know what you’re going to order when you get to the bar. If you don’t want liquor straight up or on the rocks, you should have a beer or a glass of wine. As far as wine is concerned, you’re better off drinking a red wine. Do not ask for something fruity. You want for her to be able to respect you as a man in order to be attracted to you. You could ruin the night by going in and ordering yourself sangria or a mojito. Drink like a man and she will treat you like a man!
Try Something New Sexually
As you will see from some of the other
cougar dating articles, cougars are looking to explore sexually with you. You should be willing to take advantage of this at every turn. For one thing, you should just be open to anything she wants to do. This is especially true if she is married. She has been looking to try certain things that she cannot get at home. The kinkier it is, the more willing you should be to give her what she wants. Things like bondage and threesomes are all on the table. She may ask you if you have any guy friends that will double team her, or if she can invite a friend along one of the times you hook up. Your answer should always be ‘yes’. After all, the kinky factor is what you got involved in wanting a cougar date to begin with, so embrace it fully and she will appreciate it.
Not every woman will be able to come right out and let you know what kind of fantasies they are looking to fulfill. You should have a conversation before hooking up, or after getting to know one another a little better. This way, when you get together you can initiate fulfilling her fantasies without her feeling self-conscious about it. You can get her to open up about her deepest sexual fantasies by telling her what you’re interested in as well. Start out by telling her some of your more mundane sexual kinks and work up to some of the more extravagant ones. She will follow suit and appreciate the ability to let loose and have some fun.
Initiating fantasies can also turn her on. Make suggestions about some fantasies you want to make happen with her. Tell you have a friend you want to invite along to see how she will react. Ask her if she would be into picking up another girl at the bar for a threesome. Ask her if she would be willing to let you try using sex toys on her. There are no limits to what you can suggest once she feels comfortable with you. The worst thing that can happen is she will not be into it and will say no. There are plenty of other women on a
cougar dating site who will be into what you want to try.

Turn Everyday Tasks Into A Chance For A Naughty Cougar Date
When you’re going on a cougar date, it doesn’t always have to involve what would normally be considered a date by conventional senses. You could suggest she shows up and make doing the laundry a little more interesting. Do your laundry together and enjoy folding her panties and maybe asking her to model them for you while you watch. Do you have some errands to run involving driving around town? Maybe she can accompany you and give you a little road head! As you see, the options are unlimited. These women simply want to get together with you and make it happen.
If you hate doing something like grocery shopping, imagine what it will be like if you take a stop from shopping to have a little naughty fun in the bathroom. There are women on these sites willing to make a cougar date out of doing just that. She might show up at the store to meet you wearing something that will get your motor revving instantly. Just go along with anything she wants to do and you will have an amazing time. As mentioned above, having your own suggestions about what you can do on these chore dates will also help you to get more out of the deal. She will have fun with you no matter what because it will be spontaneous. With that in mind, make sure you’re not doing a lot to plan out what you’re going to be doing when you meet. Let spontaneity take over.
As you will see when you
read cougar dating reviews, the cougar dating sites have all kinds of women into all kinds of things. You don’t have to worry about meeting the boring women only interested in a traditional date. Instead, you can meet the kinds of women interested in having a date that is purely about having fun. Your options are wide open not only in what you can do together, but who you’re going to do it with. As you will see in the
article about options, there are just so many different kinds of women on these sites. They can fulfill your every desire and even open your mind to some new horizons. It’s the reason why so many younger guys are taking a little time off from girls their own age and having fun on a cougar date instead. Using the best sites to meet the hottest women will assure you’re going to have the kind of fun you’ve been looking for.